Rachael from imagine gnats is our newest trend-spotting contributor, and her Sewing Trends pieces give us a monthly glimpse into the online sewing community. Today she has a free PDF embroidery pattern for you! She writes, “After the kids are back in school, what could be better than some selfish sewing? We’ll be doing exactly that… Whether you sew garments or quilts or accessories, it’s the perfect chance to spend a little time each day sewing for yourself.” Today’s pattern is a free addition to Rachael’s four additional sayings, offered for sale together in her Sewing Sayings Embroidery Pattern set.
Embroidery Pattern
I’m excited to be sharing a fun embroidery pattern and printable with you today! I recently released the Sewing Sayings Embroidery Pattern, including four different sewing sayings, and this fifth design will make a perfect addition to your collection… “Keep your sewing machine close and your seam ripper closer.” So true, am I right?
This three-page PDF includes embroidery pattern, instructions and a high-resolution printable version. These hoops are perfect for hanging in your craft space, and the printable versions make great greeting cards or framed gifts for crafty friends.
Materials needed:
- Embroidery hoop
- Fabric
- Stabilizer/interfacing
- Pattern
- Embroidery floss
- Needle
- Scissors
1. Choose your fabric and press before transferring pattern.

2. Tape pattern image to a well-lit window, tape fabric over image and trace.
3. Choose and apply stabilizer.
4. Stretch fabric in embroidery hoop.
5. Cut an arm’s length of thread and separate into three 2-strand sections.
6. Thread needle with floss section, pull through so that ends are even, and knot thread at ends.
7. Use a simple backstitch for all stitched lines.
8. Carefully tie all loose strands and neatly trim the back of your work.
9. Remove from hoop and press embroidery (press on wrong side so as not to harm stitches).