I’m putting off the unenviable task of deleting all those pesky little cyrillic letters seen throughout the blog, so I thought I’d share The Easter Pinafore. I finished it at about 3 pm on Easter, just in time for the dinner guests to arrive. The Easter Dress was not finished, and will now simply be The Spring Dress. (Or The Summer Dress, depending on how long the editing takes.)

It’s hard to tell, but the bottom of the pinny is embroidered with designs inspired by (okay, lifted from) this Japanese Embroidery book. It is ISBN4-8347-2421-2.

I did find that the scale of the designs in the book were all over the place, so I made a paper template of my embroidery space, then I just kind of free-handed the designs onto the paper. That way the girl wasn’t bigger than the tree, kwim? Then I taped the paper to the window and transferred the design to the linen with a Micro pen. (Which does come off with Spray and Wash, by the way.)

The embroidery work was satisfying–cute little things and the opportunity to try out some different stitches. Plus, I got lots of kid-input as to color and content.

The pinafore itself was incredibly easy. I cut a big rectangle, measuring it for length and width on my daughter. I hemmed the top about 1/4 in., and the sides and bottom about 1 in. I used some double-wide double-fold bias tape for the elastic casing (single-wide single-fold would be better.) I slipped in some 1/4 in. elastic, added some straps and a button and that’s it!

This is a pretty fun project, but like Easter dinner, it was a long time planning, and over in just about 10 minutes. Apparently pinafores cramp her style.
Now skip below and tell us about your favorite craft book for Free Fabric Friday.